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The Choir is a 501(c)3 non profit corporation. The cost of the concert series is only partially covered by box office receipts. The Choir has been fortunate to receive grants from several businesses such as the Berkshire Bank, the Golub Foundation, Greylock Federal Credit Union, General Dynamics and Massachusetts Cultural Portfolio and local Cultural Council grants from Lenox, Sheffield, Great Barrington, Pittsfield, and Lee. If you or your business would like to provide a tax-deductible donation to help cover the costs of a specific concert or towards general operating expenses, please feel free to call or email us if you need further information. Underwriting concerts and sponsoring the participation of specific instruments for our chamber concerts are most welcome. All donors receive priority seating and are recognized in all printed matter and ads generated by the Choir.

Angels ($1,000+)
Benefactors ($200+)
Supporters ($100+)
Friends (<$100)

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